Wednesday 23 July 2014


Beijing is one of the famous cities in the world. The reason is not only the long history of the city but also the modernization. Beijing is the capital of China while it is the political, economic, cultural, and international trade and communication center.

There are a lot of attractions around Beijing no matter ancient or modern places. First of all, if you visit to Beijing, I suggest you to go The Imperial Palace as known as Forbidden City that was built from Ming dynasty and end of the Qing dynasty. It burned down and was rebuilt, sacked and renovated for times, so most of the architecture you can see today dates back to the 18th century in the Qing Dynasty. Make sure to wear comfortable shoes, as you have to walk a lot. Forbidden City is mysterious for foreign. If you want to deep visit rather than just look around, you should do some research before you go there. You will feel much different. Think about how many tricks happened here and how many secrets were buried. You can have a glance of ancient Chinese royal household’s life through Imperial Palace.

The second one is the Great Wall that was built between 220-206 BC by the first Emperor of China, Qinshihuang.  Over 2000 years ago, the Great Wall had been serving as an effective way for defense in China history. As a product of the clatters between agricultural and nomadic economies, the Great Wall provided protection to the economic development and cultural progress, protected the trading routes such as the Silk Road, and secured communication of information and transportation. There are eight mainly sections of the Great Wall crossing the northern part of Beijing. They were preserved well. In my memory, it is not hard to climb the Great Wall. However, you need to prepare a good shoes and a coat if Beijing is not in summer time.
Moreover, Beijing cuisine is famous including Peking duck, Zhangjiang noodle, Hotpot and various snacks and so on. I give a suggestion to eat Peking duck that is called Bianyifang roast duck. It is cheaper but taste is good. 

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